Handwriting tips

February 24, 2017

If you are looking to improve your handwriting then there are five handwriting tips which you should keep in mind when penning down your thoughts.

Control Speed

The first step to correcting your handwriting is to control your writing speed. Sometimes due to quick and haste writing, you may make spelling mistakes or have incomprehensible writing. Hence if you practice how to write slowly then you will get a better grip of your words and sentences. As it is often quoted “Slow and steady wins the race”, it is quite apt in case your penmanship. Quality comes with patience, take your time and develop your letters and eventually a style of writing which will come naturally to you.

Be Consistent

Beautiful handwriting is one which is consistent. While writing, make sure you stay between the lines and ensure even spacing between words and letters, do not juxtapose each other, otherwise the writing will look clumsy and very untidy. Depending on style, slant to your letters is another thing to ensure is being the same. There are plenty of handwriting exercises aimed at developing consistency.

Know your instruments

The next important key to good penmanship is to use the right tools. You need not use the most expensive pen and paper to produce beautiful handwriting. Begin with the basic pencil and paper. Try out different pens and see which ones you like the best. It is important to find your perfect tools and materials.

Revise and improve

Never forget to read, revise and check what you have written. Look for troubled letters, shapes, connections, strokes and spend extra time correcting them. Always remember there is a room for improvement. Learn from other authors and try to incorporate their technique.


Practice makes you perfect. A simple mode of practice is writing a letter to your penpal or writing most frequent 220 words from Dolch sight words list. Practicing everyday will become a habit for life.

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